Monday, October 31, 2011

New Creations

So this is my first post on Style The Imagination, and I hope this blog page will push me to expand my knowledge of different types of design. Design has always interested me and although I choose to study a career in the sciences I still feel the need to express myself creatively. Recently I taught myself how to make jewelry, sew, and design marketing tools for different businesses. I feel, and always have felt that if you want to do something, and really try at it you can do it. So hopefully Style The Imagination I will not only push and persuade myself to expand my knowledge and creativity but also to help others with their creativity or even confidence in themselves about doing something they love.

Faire Frou Frou Botique
“A key to happiness…has to be to success and that is defined solely by you”–Miya The Design Goddess

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